Every family has photos, and each of these photos have stories that everybody loves hearing.
What we often don't appreciate is how important these stories are and how vital it is that they are captured before it’s too late.
Now is the time to do this.
We ensure future generations can share the memories, photos, and stories you have enjoyed.
We will take the time to get to know your loved one, to understand their lives and their stories.
We will work with them to digitally capture and scan any photographs, cine film or video that they have, build a narrative, and protect this all for you and future generations.
Being able to watch the stories behind the photos being told intimately is invaluable
We record the interviews using the highest quality equipment available to us right now. We use multiple microphones to record the audio and have a setup of up to three 4k cameras ensuring that the video is fully future-proofed.
Being in front of the cameras is a strange experience for anyone, yet we have the setup and the expertise to put everybody at ease. Our methods of capture are unique and will capture your loved one in the most intimate way possible and in a way that you will recognise and that they can be remembered by future generations.
See this as Desert Island Discs but with photos and staring your loved one. Previously these experiences and films were reserved for just the rich or famous, but now you just need to have a story to tell.
A loved one with a story to capture can be nominated by you alone or multiple family members together. This makes it the ideal gift for a big birthday, although it’ll be something for you to appreciate for generations to come.
This is a short segment of Norman discussing his life lessons and what turning 70 has taught him.
Modern websites are complex beasts. With this you can enjoy the building process!
The only video footage that Owen had of his grandfathers are a few short clips from his wedding video in 2008.
By the end of 2009 three out of his four grandparents had passed and left the family with thousands of photos that they’d taken and collected throughout their lives. Although between the family we could recall parts of the stories behind some of the photos. such a tiny proportion of them, many of them featured people that nobody could recognise and so they lost their value.
For 10 years Owen had been working as a professional portrait and wedding photographer, appreciating how important photos of human beings are to those loved ones in their lives. Although wedding photos were important, the capturing of a single day didn’t compare to the importance of a lifetime of photos, and all the accompanying stories.
Owen also started seeing the value in motion film and how video can capture a person’s real being in a way that photography always strived to do.
Starting by documenting his father he realised what he’d produced was priceless to him and something that future generations would also appreciate.The combination of preserving the stories behind the family’s photos, the voice and movement on film in a way that was impactful and heartfelt gave Owen a sense of mission he’d not felt before.
Providing this service to other families, capturing loved ones and their stories have become the main drivers to Heirloom Productions ever since.
Peterston-super-Ely, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, CF5
All across the UK
9 AM to 9 PM
0 79 90 82 81 96
01446 760 529
© Heirloom Productions 2020